During my show In Between at NNKS in Lofoten,  I organised a breathing workshop on the ancient Indian breathing technique called Pranayama. This belongs to the yoga tradition and is known as a salutary exercise that refreshes the body by filling it with air from the fingertip to the toes. Pranayama is about controlling your breath and thereby achieve more energy and focus. Charlie Taylor-Rugman from London held this unique workshop  in the gallery at the North Norwegian Artist Centre. He is a yoga instructor and has taught ashtanga yoga and pranayama breathing techniques since 1999. The workshop was free and took place on the 11th April 2015.

Thanks to exhibition coordinator Torill Haaland, Olav Søla for invaluable technical assistance and Nathanael Gustin for sound works.


Exhibition In Between at NNKS, Svolvær, Lofoten, 27th February-12th April 2015.

Show: The interwoven films Breath and Meantime, The sound installation Breathing and the performative talk In Between and facilitated the workshopThe Art of Breathing.

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