Galleri ROM, Oslo, 23rd of February – 9th April 2017

Curators: Ola Sendstad and Eva Bakkeslett

Producer: Henrik Minassian, Gallery ROM

Occupy, Resist, Produce by Dario Azzellini og Oliver Ressler  is a video installation with important narratives about counterculture and unity. The backdrop is the economic crisis in Europe that resulted in thousands of unemployed factory workers with little hope of another job. For some of them the answer was organised resistance.

The installation consists of three films from occupied factories in Milan, Rome and Thessaloniki. They are now run as labor-driven cooperatives. The workers have organised themselves in non-hierarchical structures, creating social relations and adopting methods for direct democracy and collective decision making on the production sites. In this way, new jobs are created, closer connections develop with communities and projects are spreading like social movements.

TALK: Everything under control. 

A talk and conversation with the artist Oliver Ressler. Based on his exhibition at Gallery ROM he reflected on how communities can take control, influence and influence work, economics.

Gallery ROM Friday 24.02.17, kl. 19:00 – 21:30


REPAIR was a project I co-curated for Gallery ROM in Oslo exploring how personal commitment and architectural, artistic and other creative and performing arts practices can influence the shaping of society and the physical world around us. An interdisciplinary profile and the audience as participants were important ingredients.

REPAIR is about seeing new opportunities in a world of transition – through transformation, repair, restoration, reconstruction and addition. REPAIR is also about finding inspiration and acquiring new skills to participate and influence the process of change. Through tangible and imaginative ideas, and through making and thinking we seek to create engagement, action and knowledge for change. Our aim is not a quest for perfect, universal or eternal solutions, but about the possibilities and qualities in the continuation of something already existing.

In the project period 2016 and 2017 we curated the following interdisciplinary exhibitions:

Little Norway, Potensial, Occupy/Resist/Produce and the event Reparer mer.


Eva Bakkeslett, Artist and curator

Ola Sendstad, Architect, cultural conservationist and curator.

REPAIR was produced by Henrik Minassian, director at Galleri ROM.


Arkitektur N 1/2017, Ingerid Almaas


Aftenposten 27. februar 2017, Kjetil Røed


Arkitektktnytt 15. september: Frykten for det banale

“Et høydepunkt på årets arkitekturtriennale befinner seg utenfor hovedutstillingene på Doga og arkitekturmuseet. På Galleri Rom fortelles historien om den norske paviljongen på verdensutstillingen i Chicago i 1893, en stavkirkepastisj bygget på ferdighusfabrikk i Orkdal og sendt over havet som byggesett.”

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NRK Østlandssendingen 8. september.


NRK Trøndelag 4. september: The Norway Building endelig hjemme.


Nasjonen 14. september: Bygda som rieser en stavkirke på dugnad